Seeed Studio
Become the most reliable hardware platform and empower everyone to achieve their digital transformation goals.
108 Projects

Diy Smart Lock

Old Macdonald Had A Farm, And Became A Safer Driver

Diy Power Delivery Trigger

Pipeline Clog Detection With A Flowmeter And Tinyml
Fresh Donuts - A Custom Led Twitch Sign W Capacitive Touch

Ai Thermal Camera For Safe Camping (seeed+helium+aws) (v2)

Single Channel Lora Gateway Using Wio E5 Lora And Blynk
Iot Ai-driven Yogurt Processing & Texture Prediction | Blynk

Valentines Day Romance Bot

Build Diy Soil Moisture Meter Using Arduino Nano

Flex Controlled Air Powered Gripper

Arduino Back To Work Reminder

Long Range Controlled Holiday Lighting System Using Nrf21540

Harsh Weather Monitoring Using Arduino Mkr 1300 With Hammond

Arduino Stepper Motor 28byj-48 Control Speed And Direction

Weather Lamp

Predictive Maintenance With Blues Notecard And Wio Terminal