Seeed Studio
Become the most reliable hardware platform and empower everyone to achieve their digital transformation goals.
108 Projects

Esp32 Breakout Board

Seeed Mr60bha1: Presence, Breathing, And Heartbeat Sensing

Ethernet-enhanced Lora Gateway: Minimizing Delay

Cellular Automated Hydroponics System With Blues& Qubitro

Micromote: The Esp-now Based Gesture Remote
Arduino Nano Esp32 Handheld Gaming Console - It Plays Doom!

Cattle Collar Using Sensecap T1000a And Qubitro

Seeedstudio Wio Terminal Countdown Timer

How To Connect The Mpu6050 To The Xiao Rp2040

Make Simple Raspberry Pi Pico Weather Station With Hexabitz

Running A Chatgpt-like Llm-llama2 On A Nvidia Jetson Cluster

Build An Outdoor Heat Index Monitoring Solution With Blues

Unleash The Magic Power Of Iot With The New Wio-wm1110

Lora Powered Solar Pv Monitoring System With Blues &qubitro

No-code Intrusion Detection System With Blues Notecard

Ai-assisted Pipeline Diagnostics And Inspection W/ Mmwave

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