Seeed Studio
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112 Projects

Attiny85/13a Programming Shield For Arduino

Wio Terminal Gps Tracker With Dfrobot Gnss Sensor

How to Build a ‘Split the G’ Device

Xiao Esp32 S3 Based Mini Desktop Mood Lamp

Seeed Wio E5 With Arduino Uno
Creating A Arduino Powered Wizard Staff!

Wio E5 With Micropython

Wio E5 With Things Network Using Micropython

Control Neopixels Via Web Bluetooth Using Xiao Nrf52840 Sens

How To Control Your Linear Actuator Using Light Sensor

Arduino Electromagnet Module Using Visuino

Overhead Tank Water Level Monitoring Using Blues Notecard

Groovin’ With Pdm, Neopixels, And Xiao Nrf52840 Sense!

Third Eye: Face Recognition Model, Ocr (read) & Translation

Fun with IMU, React, and NeoPixels using Xiao nRF52840 Sense

Wio E5 Powered Solar Environmental Node With Qubitro

Uv Intensity Detector With Beetle Esp32 C6 & Telegram Bot